D1 Abbreviations

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A huge list of abbreviations in use during the heyday of Diablo I and Hellfire, in the late 1990s. Compiled by Van_Damned.

Diablo Abbreviations[edit]

  • A -- Awesome, as in APOH; Angel's staff
  • AA -- Arch-Angel's staff
  • AAA -- Arch-Angel's staff of Apocalypse
  • AC -- Armor class
  • APO...-- Awesome Plate of ..., the best findable armor
  • Apoc -- Apocalypse, a spell
  • B -- Bow; Blood, as in KSOB; Burning, as in MBOB
  • CC -- Civerb's Cudgel, quite handy
  • CL -- Chain Lightning, a spell
  • D -- Diablo
  • DF -- DreamFlange, a unique mace
  • EH -- Eaglehorn, a unique bow
  • FB -- Fireball, a spell
  • FW -- Firewall, a spell
  • G -- Godly, as in GPOW
  • Gott -- Gotterdamerung (sp?), a unique helmet
  • GPOW -- Godly Plate of the Whale, see the FAQ
  • Gris -- Griswold
  • H -- Haste, Harmony or Heavens, as in KSOH or APOH
  • HP -- Hit Points, means Life Points
  • HS -- Hell Spawn
  • ID -- Identify
  • K -- King's, as in KSOH
  • KSO... -- King's Sword of...., the best one-handed swords
  • KSOH -- King's Sword of Haste (or Heavens)
  • KSOS-- King's Sword of Speed (or other, see "S")
  • KSOV-- King's Sword of Vampires
  • Laz -- Lazarus, the vile betrayer
  • MBO... -- Merciless Bow of ...., great bow
  • MK -- Monster Kill, see the FAQ
  • MS -- Mana Shield, a spell
  • NLP -- Naj's Light Plate, a unique armor
  • ObsZod -- See OZ
  • OZ -- Obsidian/Zodiac items, which are rare
  • P -- Plate, as in APOS
  • PK -- Player Kill, see the FAQ
  • RC -- Royal Circlet, a unique helmet
  • S -- Sword; Shield
  • S -- Slaughter, Speed, Stars or Sorcery, as in KSOS
  • SB -- Soul Burner
  • SC -- Stone Curse, a popular spell
  • SS -- Storm Shield, a unique shield
  • SW -- Snow Witch, fireball bait
  • T -- Titans, a suffix
  • TC -- Thinking Cap, a unique helmet
  • TK -- Town Kill, see the FAQ; Telekenesis, a spell
  • TP -- Teleport OR Town Portal, both spells
  • V -- Vampire, as in KSOV
  • WF -- WindForce, a unique bow
  • Zod -- Zodiac - suffix for jewelry

Forum/Channel Abbreviations[edit]

  • ARC -- Archer; a type of rogue
  • BAR -- Barbarian; a type of warrior
  • BNM -- Beyond Naked Mage; a type of mage
  • BRX -- Big Red X - kicking someone out
  • FAQ -- Frequently Asked Questions, kept by Varaya
  • Legit -- Legitimate; does not cheat
  • [MPQ]-- Monty Python quote
  • [NDR]-- Not Diablo Related
  • [NS] -- No strategy, used in headers
  • [NT] -- No text, used in headers
  • [PFQ]-- Pulp Fiction quote
  • [S] -- Strategy, used in headers
  • [VLS] -- Very Little Strategy, used in headers
  • [VLT] -- Very Little Text, used in headers

Internet Abbreviations[edit]

  • AFAIK -- As far as I know
  • AFK -- Away from keyboard
  • BRB -- Be right back
  • BTW -- By the way
  • CU -- See you
  • CYA -- See you later
  • FAQ -- Frequently Asked Questions
  • FUBAR -- Messed Up Beyond All Recognition
  • [G] -- Grin
  • IIRC -- If I recall correctly
  • IMHO -- In my humble/honest opinion
  • IMO -- In my opinion
  • ISP -- Internet Service Provider
  • J/K -- Just Kidding
  • K -- OK
  • LOL -- Laughing out loud
  • LOLCUB -- Laughing out load, coughing up blood
  • NP -- No problem
  • OTOH -- On the other hand
  • PITA -- Lower-body pain
  • ROFL -- Rolling on the floor laughing (also ROFLOL)
  • ROFLMAO -- Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
  • RTFM -- Read the fine manual
  • RU -- Are you
  • STFU -- Please do not say more (shut up)
  • TIA -- Thanks in advance
  • TTFN -- Ta-ta for now (bye)
  • TTYL -- Talk to you later
  • UR -- You are; your
  • URL -- WWW address
  • WB -- Welcome Back
  • WWW -- World Wide Web - you're using it now
  •  :) -- Smiling
  •  :( -- Frowning
  •  ;) -- Winking

General Abbreviations[edit]

  • ASAP -- As soon as possible
  • CDT -- Central Daylight Time (-500)
  • CST -- Central Standard Time (-600)
  • EDT -- Eastern Daylight Time (-400)
  • EST -- Eastern Standard Time (-500)
  • GMT -- Greenwich Mean Time (-000)
  • MDT -- Mountain Daylight Time (-600)
  • MST -- Mountain Standard Time (-700)
  • PDQ -- Pretty durn quick
  • PDT -- Pacific Daylight Time (-700)
  • PST -- Pacific Standard Time (-800)

Strategy Forum Etiquette[edit]

  • Do not ask for cheat codes
  • Do not post guild messages or recruitments
  • Do not post non-Diablo messages
  • Do not ridicule "newbies", unless they are obnoxious
  • Do not start new threads for posts that are replies
  • If you MUST advertise your page, do it infrequently (1/week)
  • Take your flame wars to Ogden's the War Room
  • It is better to post technical questions to the Support Forum
  • Don't use family members in hypothetical examples
  • Expect opinions to be challenged - that's the idea
  • If you state opinions forcefully, expect forceful responses
  • Refrain from excessively profane language
  • Refrain from remarks that attack groups (racist, sexist, etc.)
  • Refrain from excessive use of capital letters (shouting)
  • Your comments give a better impression with good spelling