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D1 Swords

All one-handed weapons have the same swing speed in Diablo and Hellfire. (May be boosted by faster swing modifiers.)

Swords deal 50% damage to Undead, 100% damage to Demons, and 150% damage to Animals. This is factored in after all other damage calculations, and makes it so that a sword effectively does 3x more damage to an animals than would a mace or club of comparable damage. Swords can be used adequately in the Church levels, but with all of the zombies and skeletons there, a mace will make a noticeably more effective weapon, especially against the Skeleton King and his army. Conversely, swords are much more effective in the Caves and Hive levels, which are filled with animals. Hell and the Crypt are primarily stocked with demons. See the Diablo Monsters page for a listing of all monsters by type.

Image Type Damage Average Durability Requirements Price qlvl
D1-sword-dagger.gif Dagger 1-4 2.5 16 -- 60 1
D1-sword-shortsword.gif Sword * 1-5 3 8 15 Str
20 Dex
50 --
D1-sword-shortsword.gif Short Sword 2-6 4 24 18 Str 120 1
D1-sword-sabre.gif Sabre 1-8 4.5 45 17 Str 170 1
D1-sword-scimitar.gif Scimitar 3-7 5 28 23 Str
23 Dex
200 4
D1-sword-blade.gif Blade 3-8 5.5 30 25 Str
30 Dex
280 4
D1-sword-falchion.gif Falchion 4-8 6 20 30 Str 250 2
D1-sword-longsword.gif Long Sword 2-10 6 40 30 Str
30 Dex
350 6
D1-sword-claymore.gif Claymore 1-12 6.5 36 35 Str 450 5
D1-sword-broadsword.gif Broad Sword 4-12 8 50 40 Str 750 8
D1-sword-bastardsword.gif Bastard Sword 6-15 10.5 60 50 Str 1,000 10
D1-sword-twohandedsword.gif Two-Handed Sword
(Two-Handed) **
8-16 12 75 65 Str 1,800 14
D1-sword-greatsword.gif Great Sword
(Two-Handed) **
10-20 15 100 75 Str 3,000 17
  • *The Sword is a special item only available as a starting weapon for the Bard.
  • **Barbarians can use two-handed swords with one hand.