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In Hellfire staffs are far more used, since they are the weapon of choice for the melee-fighting Monk. But since none of the unique staffs have big damage or fast attack, he doesn't have much use for them either. There were no unique staffs added in Hellfire.  
In Hellfire staffs are far more used, since they are the weapon of choice for the melee-fighting Monk. But since none of the unique staffs have big damage or fast attack, he doesn't have much use for them either. There were no unique staffs added in Hellfire.  
==Diablo Unique Staffs==
==Diablo Unique Staffs==
Kind of the poor man's version of Naj's Puzzler.
* Gleamsong
* (Short Staff)
* Damage: 2-4
* +25 Mana
* -3 Strength
Short Staff
* -3 Vitality
* 76 Phasing Charges
Damage: 2-4<br/>
* Requirements: None
+25 Mana<br/>
* Durability: 25 strength
-3 Strength<br/>
* Qlvl: 8
-3 Vitality<br/>
* Availability: SP and MP.
76 Phasing Charges<br/>
Durability: 25 strength<br/>
Requirements: None<br/>
===The Protector===
Qlvl: 8
One of the cooler graphics in the game, and an interesting theme, with defensive bonuses on a staff. Most low level Sorcerers will benefit more from a weapon and a shield, but this one's about style points.
* The Protector
* (Short Staff)
'''[[The Protector]]'''<br/>
* Damage: 2-4
Short Staff
* +5 Vitality
* -5 Damage from Enemies
Damage: 2-4<br/>
* Attacker takes 1-3 Damage
+5 Vitality<br/>
* Armor Class: 40
-5 Damage from Enemies<br/>
* 86 Healing Charges
Attacker takes 1-3 Damage<br/>
* Requirements: None
Armor Class: 40<br/>
* Durability: 25
86 Healing Charges<br/>
* Qlvl: 16
Durability: 25<br/>
* Availability: SP and MP.
Requirements: None<br/>
Qlvl: 16
===Staff of Shadow===
A difficult staff to find, since the qlvl is so low that most monsters who would drop this unique aren't high enough level to drop a long staff. And the ones that are will much more often drop The Immolater or Naj's Puzzler, with their higher qlvls. Fortunately, no one really wants to find this staff anyway.
'''[[Staff of Shadow]]'''<br/>
* Staff of Shadow
Long Staff
* (Long Staff)
* Damage: 4-8
Damage: 4-8<br/>
* Quick Attack
Quick Attack<br/>
* +10% Chance to Hit
+10% Chance to Hit<br/>
* +60% Damage
+60% Damage<br/>
* -10 Magic
-10 Magic<br/>
* -20% Light Radius
-20% Light Radius<br/>
* Requirements: None
Durability: 35<br/>
* Durability: 35
Requirements: None<br/>
* Qlvl: 2
Qlvl: 2
* Availability: SP and MP.
Long Staff
Fire themed, but not in any useful way.
* Immolater
Damage: 4-8<br/>
* (Long Staff)
+20% Resist Fire<br/>
* Damage: 4-8
4-4 Fire Damage<br/>
* +20% Resist Fire
+10 Mana<br/>
* 4-4 Fire Damage
-5 Vitality<br/>
* +10 Mana
Durability: 35<br/>
* -5 Vitality
Requirements: None<br/>
* Requirements: None
Qlvl: 4
* Durability: 35
* Qlvl: 4
* Availability: SP and MP.
'''[[Naj's Puzzler (Diablo I)|Naj's Puzzler]]'''<br/>
Long Staff
===Naj's Puzzler===
Damage: 4-8<br/>
Famous for the name, which was reused on a D2X set.
+20 Magic<br/>
* Naj's Puzzler
+10 Dexterity<br/>
* (Long Staff)
+20% Resist All<br/>
* Damage: 4-8
57 Teleport Charges<br/>
* +20 Magic
-25 Hit Points<br/>
* +10 Dexterity
Durability: 35<br/>
* +20% Resist All
Requirements: None<br/>
* 57 Teleport Charges
Qlvl: 18
* -25 Hit Points
* Requirements: None
* Durability: 35
* Qlvl: 18
* Availability: SP and MP.
Quarter Staff
Damage: 6-12<br/>
+15 Magic<br/>
The Guardian charges can be useful to lower level characters, but mostly as a novelty, unless the character has happened upon a lot of Firebolt books.
69 Guardian Charges<br/>
* Mindcry
+15% Resist All<br/>
* (Quarter Staff)
Spells are +1 Level<br/>
* Damage: 6-12
Durability: 69<br/>
* +15 Magic
Requirements: 20 strength<br/>
* 69 Guardian Charges
Qlvl: 20
* +15% Resist All
* Spells are +1 Level
* Requirements: 20 strength
* Durability: 69
* Qlvl: 20
Composite Staff
* Availability: SP and MP.
+35% To Hit<br/>
Lightning Hit Damage 1-10<br/>
76 Lightning Charges<br/>
+30% Resist Lightning<br/>
* Thundercall
+20% Light Radius<br/>
* (Composite Staff)
Durability: 45<br/>
* 5-10
Requirements: None<br/>
* +35% To Hit
Qlvl: 14
* Lightning Hit Damage 1-10
* 76 Lightning Charges
* +30% Resist Lightning
* +20% Light Radius
'''[[Rod of Onan]]'''<br/>
* Requirements: None
War Staff
* Durability: 45
* Qlvl: 14
Damage: 8-16<br/>
* Availability: SP and MP.
50 Golem Charges<br/>
+100% Damage<br/>
+5 to all Attributes<br/>
===Rod of Onan===
Durability: 75<br/>
Requirements: 30 strength<br/>
A rather salacious name, if you read the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onan Biblical legend of Onan].
Qlvl: 22
:According to the text, after God had killed Onan's older brother Er, Judah asked Onan to have sex with Tamar, Er's widow, so that the offspring could be declared Er's heir.[2] The narrative implies that Onan didn't object to the sex itself, but performed coitus interruptus, spilling his seed upon the ground, so that there wouldn't be any offspring he couldn't claim as his own;[3] the passage goes on to state that for this act, a displeased God killed him.
In light of that, the fact that this staff has Golem charges, a spell that causes a man to emerge from the ground, takes on a whole new meaning.
'''[[Storm Spire]]'''<br/>
* Rod of Onan
War Staff
* (War Staff)
* Damage: 8-16
Damage: 8-16<br/>
* 50 Golem Charges
+50% Resist Lightning<br/>
* +100% Damage
Lightning Hit Damage 2-8<br/>
* +5 to all Attributes
+10 Strength<br/>
* Requirements: 30 strength
-10 Magic<br/>
* Durability: 75
Requirements: 30 strength<br/>
* Qlvl: 22
Durability: 75<br/>
* Availability: SP and MP.
Qlvl: 8
===Storm Spire===
More mixed mods, to no real purpose.
* Storm Spire
* (War Staff)
* Damage: 8-16
* +50% Resist Lightning
* Lightning Hit Damage 2-8
* +10 Strength
* -10 Magic
* Requirements: 30 strength
* Durability: 75
* Qlvl: 8
* Availability: SP and MP.
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Revision as of 21:05, 31 October 2011

Aside from the occasional Arch Angels, or Bountiful Staff of Apocalypse, staffs (or staves, if you prefer) were very seldom used in Diablo, and even then only by artillery Sorcerers (AKA arty mages). Since none of the unique staffs provided those bonuses, they were largely ignored.

In Hellfire staffs are far more used, since they are the weapon of choice for the melee-fighting Monk. But since none of the unique staffs have big damage or fast attack, he doesn't have much use for them either. There were no unique staffs added in Hellfire.

Diablo Unique Staffs

Image Name Properties

Short Staff

Damage: 2-4
+25 Mana
-3 Strength
-3 Vitality
76 Phasing Charges
Durability: 25 strength
Requirements: None
Qlvl: 8


The Protector
Short Staff

Damage: 2-4
+5 Vitality
-5 Damage from Enemies
Attacker takes 1-3 Damage
Armor Class: 40
86 Healing Charges
Durability: 25
Requirements: None
Qlvl: 16


Staff of Shadow
Long Staff

Damage: 4-8
Quick Attack
+10% Chance to Hit
+60% Damage
-10 Magic
-20% Light Radius
Durability: 35
Requirements: None
Qlvl: 2


Long Staff

Damage: 4-8
+20% Resist Fire
4-4 Fire Damage
+10 Mana
-5 Vitality
Durability: 35
Requirements: None
Qlvl: 4


Naj's Puzzler
Long Staff

Damage: 4-8
+20 Magic
+10 Dexterity
+20% Resist All
57 Teleport Charges
-25 Hit Points
Durability: 35
Requirements: None
Qlvl: 18


Quarter Staff

Damage: 6-12
+15 Magic
69 Guardian Charges
+15% Resist All
Spells are +1 Level
Durability: 69
Requirements: 20 strength
Qlvl: 20


Composite Staff

+35% To Hit
Lightning Hit Damage 1-10
76 Lightning Charges
+30% Resist Lightning
+20% Light Radius
Durability: 45
Requirements: None
Qlvl: 14


Rod of Onan
War Staff

Damage: 8-16
50 Golem Charges
+100% Damage
+5 to all Attributes
Durability: 75
Requirements: 30 strength
Qlvl: 22


Storm Spire
War Staff

Damage: 8-16
+50% Resist Lightning
Lightning Hit Damage 2-8
+10 Strength
-10 Magic
Requirements: 30 strength
Durability: 75
Qlvl: 8